Kick-off Project Meeting in Prague
On November 29th-30th, the 1st Transnational Meeting was held in Prague, hosted by the vocational training institution Střední průmyslová škola na Proseku.
The Transnational Kick-off Meeting involved the participation of representatives of all the partners in the project: Halsinglands Education Association, Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Střední průmyslová škola na Proseku, IES EL Lago, Teachers Union of Ireland, Grupo Onetec and Binfluenc
The Transnational Kick-off Meeting involved the participation of representatives of all the partners in the project: Halsinglands Education Association, Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Střední průmyslová škola na Proseku, IES EL Lago, Teachers Union of Ireland, Grupo Onetec and Binfluenc

Countries involved in the project are Czech Republic, Ireland, Sweden and Spain. The project is coordinated by IES El Lago (Spain).
To begin, training institutions, social partners and companies met to manage the initial phase in our project.
The Agenda of the 1st Transnational Meeting included the following items:
- An introduction of partners: training institutions, teachers union and private companies.
- Demo of students’ work developed by IES EL Lago.
- Visit of the host school.
- Introduction of our project: Promoting acquisition of competences in a multicultural and associative network.
- Management and training activities at initial phases of the project.
- Budget Management.
- Action planning: communication, dissemination, monitoring and control, quality assurance.
The meeting started with the presentation and first contact among partners: schools, organizations and companies.
The training institutions described their organization, environment and their study programs. In addition, they explained the vocational education and the training systems in their countries. Finally, they detailed the professional profile of their students. IES EL Lago showed also some of the projects developed by their students.
Teachers Union of Ireland, Grupo Onetec and Binfluencer also gave an explanation about their institutions, activities and experiences.
In the afternoon, after having together a typical lunch in a restaurant near the school, we visited the host partner institution, Strední prumyslova skola na Proseku, in an interesting tour which included the technical equipment of school: classrooms, computers, 3D printers, monitors and the explanation about how are used by students and teachers.
After that, a presentation of our project, Promoting acquisition of competences in a multicultural and associative network, where the scope of the project, the main lines of action and management and training activities were introduced by teachers from IES El Lago.
On November 30th, the coordinators of the project introduced some management rules related to the budget, and the planning of activities of the project: communication, dissemination, monitoring and control. Agreements in several points were reached, and the meeting was closed with a photo of all the team.
And, of course, we visited the wonderful city of Prague.
Thanks to our partners in Prague for the wonderful welcome!
It was really a great pleasure to meet you all!
See you soon!
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