
Showing posts from March, 2020

October 21st- 25th. C3. Teachers training activities and C4. Students training activities.

Onetec Group, partner in the PACMAN project, provided activity training on Agile Software Methodologies for teachers. An initial training period was developed for all students with schools and companies. Students from Czech Republic, Ireland, Sweden and Spain had the opportunity to work together on different activities. Presentation of schools by students; getting to know each other; meeting in partners companies, Binfluencer and Onetec, training on Agile Methodologies provided by Onetec and team building activity, were some of the activities in which students (and teachers) participated.      

October 10th-11th Madrid. 3rd Transnational Meeting

Software requirements were discussed in this meeting. Description of projects, technical requirements, technologies to be used, development and deployment, use of servers, calendar and planning were some aspect to achieve agreements in this meeting. Agenda proposal to activities training and teaching activities (C3 and C4) in Madrid were presented and agreed in this meeting too. Transnational Project Meeting in Madrid. PACMAN Erasmus+ Project. Hard work defining the students software projects requeriments! @Onetec_es @Binfluencer_es #ErasmusPlusPACMAN #EuropeForCulture @sepiegob Transnational Project Meeting in Madrid. PACMAN Erasmus+ Project. Hard work defining the activities and calendar of the training activities for students and teachers! @Onetec_es @Binfluencer_es @IESElLago #ErasmusPlusPACMAN #EuropeForCulture @sepiegob #ErasmusPlus